app++++ Our Role-IT Consultancy-Rohitah International

IT Consultancy Role

Rohitah as an IT Consultant provides the complete solution for all types of IT-based projects of public organisations, companies, NGOs and related fields requirement of a consultant. Our involvement starts from the time of signing the contract with the agency and continue till the project finishes whether IT tasks finish much earlier. Under consultancy, Rohitah provides support in all activities of the project especially in budget planning, execution, monitoring and maintenance activities. 

Software Solutions:- As IT consulting firm, Rohitah International can develop software on the hybrid platform like Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) Software for field work  in offline mode, centralized Server software in online mode and other utility software as a mobile app.

We try to deploy the solution which conforms to Open Systems Standards but depending on the requirement of the agency we also provide proprietary solutions but still try to use open source components to the maximum extent possible.

We are already having various components which are developed in such way which can be customized and can be used in other projects. It not only reduces the time to provide solutions but also provide well tested robust solutions to the clients.

Features of Software Solutions:- The applications developed at Rohitah are user-friendly and highly configurable. Automatic installers and regular update in software are one of our peculiar features of software development keeping in mind a large number of users simultaneously using the software in the field. Considering the requirement of the research community, the software is developed in such a way that whole data structure and data itself can be exported to software like SPSS, STATA, and excel.

The client-server solutions developed at Rohitah International are secured enough and the underlying technology for developing the overall solution can be viewed as:

  • The client software is used at the source to enter the data collected in the field. Depending on the requirement offline or online software is developed which can be run on a desktop, laptop, handheld devices, tablets or mobile phones.
  • The server software is capable enough to do secondary editing, compiling of data and report generation.
  • The software working at middle level enables complete data to exchange insecure manner.

The software logics written for the client as well as for server are developed in such a manner that it allows users authentication at all level. The GUI may support various Indian languages keeping in mind the requirement of field staff besides English.

Consistency, accuracy and error-free data to the maximum extent is proved by the software solution by validating data and cleaning of data at the point of data collection. Monitoring and evaluation tools enable real-time monitoring of progress/quality of data.

Training and Support:- We provide online support for all features of the software besides the robust data security and Backup / recovery capability. If require then, Rohitah International provides complete rights to you describing complete source code so that all future modifications can easily be managed by you.

Depending on the category of the end users, Comprehensive Training program for System users like administrator, IT users, and end users is developed. The training covers the requisite know-how so as to enable the officials of the project in the total solution. The training schedule is drafted in consultation with the agency, Each training program is augmented with appropriate training modules in documentation formats. In-depth training to your personnel responsible for the critical task may be planned separately.



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